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2009 Smallville posterTen Things I'd Like To See In Season 9
Written by Craig Byrne - KryptonSite Webmaster

WARNING: There are some very small spoilers for Season 9 within this column.

Last year before Season 8 began, I posted a column of ten things I'd like to see in the eighth season of Smallville. Some happened; some, sadly, didn't. Now during this slow time, especially where there aren't a whole lot of spoilers out there, I'm sharing my hopes for what I'd like to see in Season 9.

I should also preface this with including that I am not a "shipper" so relationship-oriented hopes will not be found here. With that said, here are the ten things I'd like to see in Season 9...

annette o'toole martha10. Martha Kent

Yes, she was on my list last year, but my wishes to have her on are just as valid now. I feel that Jonathan Kent taught Clark about right and wrong but Martha, more than anyone, teaches Clark about the human heart. The fact that she was played by someone as talented as Annette O'Toole helped. To go two seasons now with only a mention every 5 episodes or so is disappointing, especially as Martha is and always has been a very important part of the history of Clark Kent and Superman. (On that same note... does anyone have parents anymore? Gabe Sullivan, The General... let's see them already!)

annette o'toole martha9. Heroes Being Heroes

Please, no drunk Ollie, no Chloe dragging dead bodies into the dumpster, no Lois making up stories, no Justice League that will betray Clark, and no Clark who wouldn't turn his back on his friends who need him. Batman is supposed to be the broody one; Iron Man is the drunk. Superman is supposed to be the greatest hero of all, and even if he's not totally "there" yet, he should at the very least start behaving heroically by now. It's been 9 years.

8. Consistency

Obviously writing 22 episodes in a season can be taxing. But I'd really like it if at the very least there was some consistency; for example, if Lois has photos with the Dalai Lama one week, she should be able to get into a press gala the next.

7. Don't tease us with Lex unless Michael Rosenbaum is going to come back.

I admit it: I loved the shot at the end of "Bride" where it seems Lex was watching everything. But it may have been too soon, considering we never actually saw Lex. By the time "Requiem" came along, it might have been better to not do Lex at all rather than give us "Darth Lex" which did nothing more than to remind us that, yes, Michael is gone and we as fans miss him a lot. With that said, if Michael will finally come back, then by all means, tease away.

lucas paul wesley6. The Other Luthor.

This one's probably way too late, but it's too bad that with Paul Wesley doing The Vampire Diaries, that The CW couldn't do some crossover cashing-in by having Lucas Luthor show up another time. What is Lucas up to? I have a feeling he'd really irritate Tess, and Oliver would definitely not be having any of it.

annette o'toole martha5. John Jones.

Especially if Martha Kent can't come back, it'd be great to have John Jones, the Martian Manhunter back in a series regular capacity. Jones has an air of authority to him which I like, and Phil Morris is not only one of the best actors to guest on the show; he's also one of Smallville's biggest supporters. I have a feeling Dr. Emil Hamilton might be stepping in to be the authoritative exposition-giver, and I know he has his fans, but John Jones is much cooler, at least in my opinion.

clana4. A Better Send-Off For Lana.

I got into Smallville because I'm a fan of the comics. And although at various times the comics have played with the Super-Lana idea, my preferred version of Lana Lang is "the ordinary girl who represented Clark's past who was left behind." Also, the way Lana was left at the end of "Requiem" makes anyone else in Clark's future feel like second choice, and although I promised no relationship stuff in here and I'm sticking by that, I think that's unfair to any future potential Clark suitors.

booster gold3. Bring Back Geoff Johns!

I loved having one of DC Comics' best writers doing an episode, and I'd love to see him tackling another guest hero. (Booster Gold, perhaps?) Of course, I definitely wouldn't have a problem with another Legion appearance, either. Mon-El or Conner Kent - also both recently handled by Johns in the comics - would also be welcome. Or how would Johns write the TV version of Bart? The possibilities are endless.

bruce wayne batman2. Bruce Wayne.

Yeah, I said it. As keen as Metallo or Zod may be to some people, I think there's only one major gimmick that could get EVERYONE to tune in - even considering the Friday move - and that would be an appearance by the future Batman, Bruce Wayne. I know DC and Warner Bros. have their restrictions to which I ask "why?" The Batman of The Dark Knight is not the same Batman of The Brave and the Bold. So why can't a TV incarnation exist? If Bruce Wayne can't show up, give us the next best thing - Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman. It's not like THAT movie will ever get made at this point.

(I also admit one reason why I was somewhat excited by the notion of The Graysons is because I hoped it would spin out of a Smallville episode, so we'd get a little bit of the Batman universe on SV, at least.)

And finally, the #1 thing I'd like to see in Season 9...

clark can smile!1. Let Clark Have Fun.

Like I said, Batman is supposed to be the moody one. Whatever happened to the Clark that would mischievously pile up the trucks of the school jocks? The Clark who showed Lana an old "drive in movie?" Heck, even the Clark who'd blow away the clouds just to play a prank. I miss that guy. So often Clark beats himself up for anything and everything that happens even if it's beyond his control.

Not in this top ten list but still very important - I do hope that if the show could potentially end with Season 9, that the show's writers and producers are made aware of it well in advance so they can wrap things up and give us the best season possible. A good Season 9 would trump a so-so Season 9 stalling to a tenth year any time. I was really worried when it seemed that 8 was it, that certain storylines would never be resolved. Now's the perfect chance. And if Season 9 is the last season... this long-time fan would be very pleased if there was a throwback to the series pilot in the finale, such as a cameo with Clark's very first "meteor freak" Jeremy Creek or another kid tied up like a scarecrow.

Thanks for reading.

Note: The views of Craig Byrne don't necessarily represent the thoughts and feelings of everyone at KryptonSite.

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