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Why the Supergirl Trailer Is Awesome for Women and Girls

A mother details why Supergirl looks to be a very good thing.



Lois_and_Clark_01Some background on me: I was a huge Lois & Clark fan. That’s how the owner of this site and I met. I went on to become a huge fan of Smallville, until about the 5th season when I gave up on it. I like watching The Flash, Gotham, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; I gave up on Arrow after about 6 episodes. I hated the first 20 minutes of the David E. Kelley Wonder Woman pilot so much that I didn’t watch the rest. I am a mom; I do not have time to slog through 6-8 episodes for “the show to get good.” I have dishes to do. And pictures of my kids to post on Instagram. #priorities

I enjoy watching shows with strong female characters (see: Parks & Recreation, Scandal, Alias, Elementary, The Mindy Project, Jane the Virgin, Agent Carter). I love TV. I am a mom in her 30s to an 8-year-old boy and a 3-year-old girl. I am married to the arguably the biggest comic book geek ever (it really is a tie between my husband and the owner of this website). I am interested in more TV that I can watch with my kids.

featuredflySupergirl, if it executes a full-length episode as well as the 6-minute trailer I saw, could fit the bill. Some reasons why it gives me hope for real, smart girl girls who want to see themselves on television:

She made the decision to become Supergirl on her own. Obviously the shadow of Superman is going to loom heavily on Kara, both on the show and in real-life media and critiques. One of the first images in this trailer is baby Kal-El. But it was important to show her as someone who didn’t want to ride on her family member’s coattails, or be coaxed into it by said family member, or even be drawn to it for fame and fortune. It is okay for girls to want something bigger than themselves, and to make a difference in the world.

Screen-Shot-2015-05-13-at-4.27.22-PMHer costume and makeup doesn’t look like a chauvinist sex fantasy. No offense to most of the comic book artists out there, but: Many of you really don’t know what a woman should wear when she’s exerting lots of energy, contorting her body, and moving a lot. As a mom who doesn’t usually wear makeup, and whose regular outfit is Toms, a nursing shirt, and yoga pants: This version of Supergirl’s costume is awesome. She looks comfortable. Her skirt is short, but longer than your average cheerleader’s. It looks like something she can kick butt in, without flashing a breast or butt crack. Her boots’ heel looks about as tall as Dean Cain’s.* (Yes, I did watch that closely. I mean: Dean Cain. Am I right?)

Screen-Shot-2015-05-13-at-3.17.20-PMThere are several main characters who are women. I am sick of supposed “female shows” that have one female main character and everyone else is male. (I’m looking at you, The Mindy Project.) You know you might be watching a feminist TV show when you’ve seen the main character interacting with other women at work and at home. The only feminine character this show might be missing is a mother figure, but maybe we’ll get Laura Benanti (Alura Zor-El, Kara’s Kryptonian mother) in some flashback scenes. Laura Benanti is pretty awesome. I know this because in that live version of The Sound of Music, she played Frau Schrader and she was the warmest presence on screen. As Frau Schrader. Anyway. We also have an adoptive sister and Calista Flockhart as Cat Grant. A friend told me Calista will probably steal every scene she appears in. I wholeheartedly endorse this. Especially if she espouses the virtues of being a girl. And a smart girl at that. Hurray for the Evolved Ally McBeal!

Screen-Shot-2015-05-13-at-4.32.36-PMNot every man her age appears to be in love with her. Okay, so there’s the one guy who appears to have been friend-zoned. And admittedly, I haven’t read any spoilers and don’t know what’s going on with her and Jimmy – excuse me, JAMES Olsen. But there were no clips of men objectifying her, only men who spoke to her like she is an adult. Maybe the general was being a little condescending. But he’s a general. A general might also be condescending to Superman.

Screen-Shot-2015-05-13-at-4.45.11-PMIt’s not just for kids. When my 3-year-old watched the trailer, she was confused. “But. Supergirl is supposed to be for kids!” This Supergirl has real emotions and acts like a normal 20-something. She seems a little emotionally stunted, but you would be too if you had to hide your true self all your life. (And on that note, does she tell EVERYONE SHE KNOWS she’s Supergirl? Sheesh!) I’m looking forward to seeing this girl (woman) grow and mature as she explores being Supergirl. We’ve come a long way from Lois & Clark, which seemed to have an identity crisis because it came off sometimes like a romantic comedy that had elements of cartoon-ish villainous subplots thrown in. I think the success of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Agent Carter (along with all of the superhero movies that have been released in the past decade) have shown that it’s not just children and teens who watch superhero shows and movies. And it’s possible to write a superhero movie with characters that have real emotions and lives but just also happen to live in a world with a superhero in it.

Screen-Shot-2015-05-13-at-3.21.03-PMAll in all, I was a little skeptical about this series, but I believe the recent successes of Arrow, The Flash, and Gotham have shown that superhero shows from the DC universe can be complex and entertaining. This family will definitely tune in to watch when it premieres.

* Eeeeee! Dean Cain plays Fred Danvers, Kara’s dad in this! And Helen Slater, the Kara from the Supergirl live-action movie, plays her mother.



  1. Matthew the Wayfarer

    May 15, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    No disagreeing on any particular point. Do wonder how many people will be told who Kaea/Supergirl is. Wondering if Calista Flockhart/Cat Grant believes what she said about being a “girl”? Ever since the 70’s females claim to not want to be called ‘girl’ or referred to as a ‘lady’ and insisted on being titled ‘Ms.’ and not Miss or Mrs. Does anyone still use Ms?
    The outfit is good although I think the skirt should be a little longer. Love the boots.
    As a male I love the female body as much if not more than the next guy in the proper situation so I was glad the you gave the CB artists the scolding they deserve. I have never liked most of their depictions of females especially superheroes. Although I personally think they are emotionally stunted and may very well be misogynistic woman haters they need to grow up. Thanks for your write-up.

  2. Halberdier17

    May 16, 2015 at 2:26 pm

    I think the general would’ve been condescending to Superman because he said that he doesn’t trust aliens.

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Is Superman & Lois Starting Season 4 with “The Death of Superman?”

Bitsie Tulloch may have hinted at “The Death of Superman” to kick off Superman & Lois Season 4 this Fall.



Season 3 of Superman & Lois ended with what looked like a fatal showdown between Superman and Doomsday, reminiscent of the events of the legendary Superman #75 comic book by Dan Jurgens over 30 years ago. Now, some new comments from Bitsie Tulloch combined with some analysis from our good friend Ben Rolph of the Ben’s Take YouTube channel (formerly TheDCTVShow) begs the question: Is Superman & Lois adapting “The Death of Superman” in Season 4?

In the original comics, the Death of Superman was followed by an acclaimed storyline called “Funeral for a Friend” as the folks in Superman’s orbit as well as the people of the Daily Planet deal with the loss of Metropolis’ greatest hero. That led months later to a “Reign of the Supermen” story where four folks – including John Henry Irons, making his first comic book appearances – tried to become Metropolis’ new hero, with some including the Cyborg Superman claiming to the the real steel deal.

So what made Ben think they’re going full force into “Death of Superman” territory, and why do we agree with him?

Bitsie Tulloch recently appeared at the Metropolis Celebration in Illinois this past weekend, and she made a certain major tease:

“You guys are not going to believe the first episode,” she teased. “It’s bananas. It’s emotional. What they did was based on one of the comics. It was a very bold decision on their part to do to do this and to pull it off for the first episode of Season 4.”

Bold decision? Based on the comics? Killing Superman would be pretty darned bold, yeah?

You can watch video of Bitsie’s panel below, courtesy of the Superman Homepage, and then leave some thoughts in the comments! Superman & Lois Season 4 – the show’s final season – is scheduled to premiere this Fall on The CW.

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Superman & Lois in 2024: 10 Hopes for the Final Season

KryptonSite offers ten hopes for Superman & Lois Season 4 in 2024.



2024 is almost here, and at some point in the new year we will be getting the fourth and final season of the Superman & Lois TV series. The CW has not yet announced a premiere date, but especially considering the new season hasn’t started filming yet, it may be late Spring or Summer before we see our favorite characters again for one last 10-episode run.

To celebrate the new year, though, we’re listing our Top Ten Hopes for the final season of the series…. things we’d like to see or not see in 2024. Here goes!

#1. Superman Lives… though I’d also accept a “Reign.” Sure, the Season 3 finale didn’t look too encouraging there, but it’s not like The CW’s new budget would be so cheap that they’d get rid of Superman. The show is called Superman & Lois, after all! We better see Tyler Hoechlin and that “S” again pretty swiftly… though if they want to do a “Reign of the Supermen” with Tyler playing an Eradicator and a Cyborg version of Superman, I might allow it. We’ve already got John Henry Irons/Steel and surely The CW casting folks could find a fun Superboy. This story has never been fully adapted in live action and it’s a key part of my Superman comics reading experience. (If you’ve never read “Triangle Era” Superman comics, you are missing the best of Superman’s 85-year run!)

#2. No more Superman vs. Superman. Now, obviously if they did “Reign of the Supermen” I’d take this wish away, but in three seasons + Crisis and Elseworlds crossover appearances, Superman & Lois has managed to have Tyler Hoechlin fighting another Tyler Hoechlin Superman like 8 different ways, or playing different “evil” versions of Superman. Enough with that already! It’s the same trap The Flash would run into with different speedster villains every season. Variety can be good, and while part of me would love to see other Superman actors from across the multiverse show up, such as Brandon Routh or Tom Welling, I’m honestly pretty Multiverse-d out at the moment.

#3. Other Kryptonite. Blue, red, rainbow… we haven’t seen too many variations of these on Superman & Lois, and it might be cool, and so specially Superman.

#4. Continued presence for some no-longer series regulars. Like many, I’m bothered by the demotions of several actors who were series regulars on the series, now being guest stars. With a few exceptions, we don’t know how much they will show up again… but it would be a real shame to not have John Henry and Nat around, and while I am 100% against more Jordan and Sarah angst, I really want Sarah to stick around. They’re a part of the tapestry that makes the show good, just like the Kents are.

#5. A better costume for Jordan. He looks like a huge dork with those goggles… sorry, Alex. Give him something cool!

#6. Let the family be happy! Sometimes I feel like Lois and Clark hate their children, with the amount of times they yell at them every episode. After how emotionally taxing Season 3 was especially, I hope the Kents get to have fun sometimes. Remember the time they were painting the house together and Superman had to go do a save with paint all over his hand? That was charming and cute. More please.

#7. Metropolis and the Daily Planet. The Daily Planet is as important to the mythos as Lois, Clark, Perry, and Jimmy are. A return to the great metropolitan newspaper would put Lois back at the top of her game, especially now that the paper isn’t owned by a bad guy anymore (that we know of… I mean, Lex Luthor might try something). If the Planet isn’t available, WGBS will do! And hey… maybe if Jordan is following his father’s side of things, Jonathan could take an interest in journalism and start working with his mom?

Beyond that, it appears the Kent Farm house is taken down. It could just be relocated, or they might just use stock footage from here on out, but if it’s gone, it might be worthwhile to go to a new setting for Season 4… returning the Kents to Metropolis. Also – let’s see the show’s version of Jimmy Olsen, now that we know the show isn’t on Earth-Prime.

#8. An actual conclusion. We know Season 4 is the last; the show isn’t moving anywhere else, and The CW isn’t renewing it after the ten episodes of Season 4. For those of us who have stuck with the show for all four years and 50+ episodes, I want a satisfying ending. Don’t leave us on a cliffhanger. Imagine if the 2023 strikes made the studio and network decide “we’re not doing Season 4 after all.” That would have sucked.

#9. A set visit for KryptonSite. Set visits seem to have fallen by the wayside, but it would be so cool to visit and interview the cast as we go into Season 4. Apparently there was a trip considered prior to Season 3, but we weren’t included on that list.

#10. A flash forward. As DC welcomes David Corenswet as their new Superman, combining with my own personal hopes for a happy ending, I’d love to get a glimpse into the future to see Clark and Lois happy decades from now, their children continuing their legacy. The Superman and Lois of Earth-WhateverThisIs deserve it.

There are surely other things that could have made this list — “Uncle Tal,” a Jordan Elsass cameo, and Supergirl being high on the list — but I’m sticking to ten with this one. What do you think? Leave your wishes for the final season on the KryptonSite Forums – registration is easy and free!

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My Adventures With Superman

Review: My Adventures with Superman (Adult Swim)

KryptonSite reviews the opening episodes of the upcoming Adult Swim series My Adventures with Superman.



As a pop culture institution for 85 years, there have been a number of animated Superman projects. This week gives us the start of another one: The long-awaited My Adventures with Superman which drops at midnight Thursday, July 6 on Adult Swim. If you don’t have Adult Swim, it’ll be on the Max streaming service the next day.

Featuring The Boys’ Jack Quaid as Clark Kent aka Superman, Alice Lee (Heathers: The Musical) as Lois Lane, and Ishmel Shahid (Jury Duty) as Jimmy Olsen, this project gives us slightly younger versions of the iconic trio than we are used to seeing at the Daily Planet. Clark and Jimmy are best friends, Lois is not yet taken seriously as a journalist, and all three are presented as contemporaries on the ground floor of the Daily Planet. If I were to compare their interaction to any previous Superman project, I’d compare them to Clark, Chloe, and Pete in the early seasons of Smallville… except in this case, Clark is actually into Lois, where he wasn’t into Chloe in that way. They even have a Wall of Weird… err, “murder board” in their little hideaway at the Daily Planet.

Without getting into spoilers, I do have a few things that I’d like to point out in my review.

It’s fun: That’s probably my biggest takeaway. My favorite aspects of Superman & Lois, for example, are the flashbacks, where Clark and Lois are new and excited and happy and not getting irritated by their kids. The interplay here is similar, except that it’s often very fun. Sure, there’s occasional drama – when isn’t there? – but in this show, you have three lead characters who seem to genuinely enjoy being around each other.

The chemistry: Between the animation and the voice acting, you can tell that, like every other version of this story, this Clark and this Lois are very into each other. Their friendship with Jimmy and their interactions with Perry White are similar. As such, when there are complications in their relationships, the characters are visibly affected.

Characters: One thing I really like about this series is that Lois, Clark, and Jimmy are all their own complete characters. They have hobbies and interests. They don’t all fit into a box. It’s also interesting to see, say, a more sensitive side to go-getter Lois, or to notice that the way Jack Quaid voices Clark and even the way Clark moves is different from the animation and voice of Superman. That is cool. The Neckbeard Brigade might make a complaint about the characters not all being white, but this series feels like it’s going from a stance of “what if these characters were created in 2023?” Why would they have to be white? Frankly, what matters most to me is that the characters act like they do in the comics and media I’ve loved for so long; that they respect the core of what makes them what they are. Lois, a steadfast, determined journalist? Check. Clark, an awkward farmboy who wants to help people in his alter ego? Check. Jimmy, dork with a camera? Check, again. So, I’m quite good here. (Side note: Ishmel Shahid’s Jimmy might be the most involved Jimmy Olsen to the story since Michael Landes in the early episodes of Lois & Clark… possibly the most involved since Jack Larson. He’s really, really good). And hey… the show is called “My Adventures with Superman” which says to me that it’s not necessarily Clark at the center, but that Lois or even Jimmy may be the “My” here, in a “The King and I” sort of way.

The villains: One thing that I found particularly interesting here is that the villains aren’t immediately identified, leaving it to the viewer to guess who they are. As such, the new, young audience might be introduced to these characters at the same time a longtime fan is! I was a little bit disappointed, though, that one of my hunches was proven correct by the closing credits, especially since 7 episodes in, I don’t think they’ve said that particular character’s name out loud even by that point. It’s not a spoiler to say some notable DC characters and villains do show up, though.

The animation: The animation almost gives me a circa-2000 anime feel which is actually a big compliment coming from me. All of the characters are very cute, but at the same time, the movement and designs are all seamless. I love how Superman flies, for example. I’m glad it’s not, say, evoking and copying Superman: The Animated Series just like I’m glad it’s not a huge departure like The Batman (which I did like, don’t get me wrong). The opening and closing titles are also A+… stay tuned at the end of every episode for a photo that would represent something lingering from what you just watched.

Fun for all ages: I’m old enough that I was already almost finished being a teenager when the 1996 Superman animated series came out. Yet, I thoroughly enjoyed the show as much as a young person would now. My Adventures with Superman makes Superman fun for a new generation without needing to know a million things before going in.

What’s the Catch? I’ve been really glowing here. So… what don’t I like? Honestly, just one thing: I worry that with all of the recent changes to the industry, from Warner Bros. Discovery and HBO — err “Max” to budget cuts everywhere — that the lifespan of My Adventures with Superman won’t be as long as I’d like for it to be. Which would be a real shame, because this show is a winner and everyone involved did a phenomenal job.

Krypton Rating: I don’t think it would be fair to nick it because of the possibility of not going on for too long, so I’m going to give this a 10/10. Highest possible recommendation. Whether you’re 9 or 90, you’ll find this fun.

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