Russ Dimino explores the many deaths of Superman in TV, movies, comics and animation from the modern era, all the...
Alaina Huffman (Black Canary) will be at the Salute to Smallville 2025 convention.
Creation Entertainment has announced their second Smallville convention, happening September 2025 in the Chicago area.
Actor Tony Todd, who played Earl Jenkins in the Smallville episode "Jitters," has passed away.
It's a Smallville reunion October 15 as Erica Durance guest stars on Kristin Kreuk's new show Murder in a Small Town for "Prized Possessions."
Smallville's Lois Lane, Erica Durance, reflects on her character as Creation's Salute to Smallville approaches.
KryptonSite's Craig Byrne visited the Smallville rewatch podcast TalkVille hosted by Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum.
Tom Welling lists Bruce Wayne as one of two things he would have liked to have seen in Smallville.
Tom Welling discussed his return to the Smallville Clark Kent role at a recent convention panel.
Tom Welling has offered an update on the potential Smallville animated series.