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Crisis on Infinite Earths

Smallville’s Tom Welling Discusses His Crisis on Infinite Earths Return

Tom Welling discussed his return as Smallville’s Clark Kent from Crisis on Infinite Earths at a recent TalkVille live event.



Four years later, fans are still discussing the return of Tom Welling as Smallville’s Clark Kent in the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover that aired on The CW, and earlier this week, Tom Welling spoke about that opportunity at a live TalkVille event held in Hollywood.

“They had asked me to kind of bring Clark into some of the other shows, and it didn’t feel right,” Tom recalled. “But when they sent me [the “Crisis” script] they were like, ‘just read it.’ It was one scene, and I read it and I was like [sigh] ‘this is a really good idea’.”

Tom talked about how the Batwoman crew wasn’t familiar with the Kent Farm location, so he was helping them at the same time. But as for playing Clark again?

“It was really fun, because I was able to kind of bring Clark back again, but a little more grown up,” he said, noting that he tried to have mannerisms like John Schneider had as Clark’s human father Jonathan Kent on Smallville, with the gloves and the way he walked. “My favorite part of the whole thing was Jon Cryer and he says ‘I’m Lex Luthor’ and I’m like ‘you’re not Lex.” That line was a lot of fun… one of the easiest lines I’ve ever said, because this is Lex Luthor,” he continued, pointing at Michael Rosenbaum on stage.

Most importantly, Welling seems happy with where the Crisis on Infinite Earths story took Clark. 

“It was really great, and I thought as a fan of Clark, this fits the tone in which would see him again,” he affirmed.

You can watch video from the event below.

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Crisis on Infinite Earths

Marc Guggenheim Answers Two Smallville-Related Crisis Questions

Arrowverse architect Marc Guggenheim has answered questions about Michael Rosenbaum and Erica Durance’s Smallville roles in Crisis on Infinite Earths.



Arrowverse architect Marc Guggenheim has been releasing a fantastic Substack newsletter called LegalDispatch in recent months, and with this week’s edition, he answered some Smallville-related questions regarding the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover — specifically, what Michael Rosenbaum‘s Lex would have done if he had shown up, and also, if there were more plans for Erica Durance to appear as Lois beyond her brief scene with Tom Welling.

Being transparent, Marc answered some of those questions! First, regarding what role Michael Rosenbaum’s Lex would play:

Well, here’s the thing. By the time we’d engaged with Michael about appearing in Crisis — thanks in huge part to Stephen Amell’s efforts — we’d already shot the Smallville reunion scene in Hour 2. Nevertheless, I was eager to get Michael’s Lex into the story if I could, so my brain started working on options that could be fit into the episodes that we were still shooting.

I forget the story impetus for them, but I noodled with a version where Michael’s Lex would interact with Jon Cryer’s Lex, which I think would’ve been quite entertaining had it come to pass.

Also, was there any temptation to have Erica Durance’s Lois Lane appear in more than one episode?

There was absolutely a temptation for sure. As with most things, however, we were subject to the limit of a combination of screentime, story requirements, money, shooting schedule, and the actors’ personal schedules.

You can read this week’s LegalDispatch here.

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Crisis on Infinite Earths

Crisis on Infinite Earths Surprise: Tom Welling DID Film In The Superman Suit

KryptonSite has learned that scenes with Tom Welling in the Superman costume did get filmed for Crisis on Infinite Earths.



A highly anticipated moment from Crisis on Infinite Earths, often rumored but seemingly denied by producers and Tom Welling himself, seems to exist after all but sadly ended up on the cutting room floor before the most recent DC TV crossover hit the air, KryptonSite has learned.

Prior to the airing of the crossover, super-producer Greg Berlanti hinted that such a scene might exist, causing a lot of Internet speculation. “In one scene we have three Supermen on screen at one time and that’s pretty cool,” Berlanti told EXTRA. But when the show aired, the most Supermen per scene was two, with Brandon Routh and Tyler Hoechlin — so where was #3? And if there were really three Supermen in a scene, does that mean Smallville’s Tom Welling finally wore the suit?

Apparently two additional scenes were filmed that would have given us exactly that.

In one scene, airing in Chapter Two (Batwoman), the scene cuts back to the Kent Farm in Earth-167 as Clark and Lois are discussing his encounter with Lex, which reminds Clark of his past encounters with characters from other Earths, including other versions of himself and Lionel Luthor. “This is what I have to do,” he says before referencing going to see Jor-El and finding something called a “mirror box.” We wouldn’t see what happened next. Fans of Smallville will remember the “mirror box” from Season 10 as being the means in which people could travel the Multiverse.

But, in Chapter Three, which aired as an episode of The Flash, when many Earths are destroyed and Lyla/Harbinger (Audrey Marie Anderson) starts attacking the Monitor, Tom Welling’s Clark, mirror box in hand, shows up…. in a full Superman costume. Underpants on the outside and all. When you follow the link below, you’ll see a photo of the suit, and that it is not the costume worn in the Superman: Season Eleven comic books. It’s full-on Superman, and after 18 years, we finally would get what we’ve been waiting for. The other characters are as surprised as we are. Sadly, there’s no time for small talk as it’s full-on chaos, and when the red wave hits after everyone is taken away, this other Superman is gone, wiped away like Hoechlin’s Superman, Elongated Man, Iris West-Allen, and others.

So why didn’t we get this awesomeness on the air, especially since there were some Smallville fans unhappy with Clark’s “happy ending?”

Sadly, Crisis on Infinite Earths was a packed affair, with only so much time and space to fit everything in. Additionally, there were concerns that introducing Welling’s Superman in a series that was not his own 10-season show would be a bit of a cop-out, and Welling’s contract also required that if the costume scene actually aired, he would get a bonus of $100,000 — something that was just not in the already-high Crisis on Infinite Earths budget.

But now, with productions shut down and The CW wanting new content, some extra money could be found under the proverbial couch. So, before anyone starts hashtagging #ReleaseTheCostumeCut — you’re in luck. The Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover is re-airing the week of April 5 on The CW, and guess what? These scenes are restored. After 18 years, we will finally see Tom Welling in live action in a Superman costume. Not in a comic book with someone else’s face. The real steel deal. And, yes, the alternate version will be on the DVD’s.

Take a look at the official picture of Tom Welling in costume here, and be sure to catch Crisis on Infinite Earths Chapter Three Wednesday, April 8 to see Tom in costume at last!

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Crisis on Infinite Earths

EXCLUSIVE: This Year’s DC TV Crossover Will Be “Challenge of the Superfriends”

KryptonSite has learned exclusively that the next DC TV crossover will be “Challenge of the Superfriends.”



At the end of the DC TV Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover that aired earlier this year on The CW, a nascent Justice League or group of “Superfriends” united with the familiar theme music of the classic cartoon beginning as we see a hint of the space monkey Gleek. Now, KryptonSite can reveal exclusively that we have learned the Superfriends are returning, with a major tribute to the animated series of yesteryear.

The next DC TV crossover on The CW, airing in the next TV season whenever that might be, is already in development — and it is called “Challenge of the Superfriends.” While the Legion of Doom were a thing in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Season 2, there’s a new Legion in town — full of all kinds of baddies.

The team of villains this time around will be led by Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) and other foes throughout the history of the Arrowverse will be a part of his squad, including Mark Hamill (The Trickster), Tom Cavanagh (Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash), Wentworth Miller (Captain Cold), Alessandra Torresani (Duela Dent), Tom Amandes (The Calculator), Marvin “Krondon” Jones III (Tobias Whale), Italia Ricci (Silver Banshee), Thomas Lennon (Mxyzptlk), David Sobolov (the voice of Gorilla Grodd) and the first CW appearances of Batman villains The Riddler, Scarecrow, and Penguin as well as the Superman villains Bizarro and Conduit. We hear the Penguin will indeed be fat again, and as for the Riddler, it is said that The CW may be looking at a female to take on the role. Solomon Grundy is also said to play a part, even though he was part of the Arrowverse many years ago; it might be the Grundy that we will have seen on Stargirl by this time. Pending clearances from DC Comics, producers hope to bring back Manu Bennett’s Deathstroke as part of the Legion of Doom, and borrowing a villain from another series and network, there are talks with Blake Ritson to reprise his Krypton role as the original Brainiac.

New heroes will be introduced, as we will be meeting the “Wonder Twins” Zan and Jayna who are being eyed for their own potential spinoff series, and their “space monkey” Gleek will appear as well, if the visual effects budget allows. Just to be on the safe side, we’ve already launched a @WonderTwinsTV Twitter account. Casting documents obtained by KryptonSite imply that a new version of Firestorm will be introduced, and original Superfriends sidekicks Marvin and Wendy will at least make appearances, with those two having a unique connection to a very major and well-loved Arrowverse character.

Doing a crossover spotlighting the villains as well as several new heroes will, ideally, also lighten the load on the series regulars of the respective shows, with the villains and new heroes being the through-line between all of the chapters. As such, we can expect some supporting cast to jump from series to series, but the entire “Superfriends” team might not end up uniting until the final chapter. Crisis on Infinite Earths was such a big deal and surely a scheduling nightmare — this might make things a bit better for all involved. Right now the crossover will involve Flash, Green Arrow and the Canaries, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Black Lightning, Batwoman and Superman & Lois, with characters from Supergirl appearing while Melissa Benoist is out on maternity leave. Also said to be included somehow? The “Breakfast League” from DC Universe All Star Games, with the Legion of Doom trying to recruit Sam Witwer as they think he is either Ben Lockwood or able to turn himself into Doomsday.

You can see a shot of the headquarters of the Justice League and the Legion of Doom below… for character artwork for “Zan,” “Jayna,” and the new “Firestorm,” click on this link.

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