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Welcome to the new location for MASK: The Web Page!

As far as I know, this page is the first of MANY MASK websites that have popped up over the years. In recent years new pages have come up that are definitely worth checking out, so hop into your vehicles and check them out.

So what can you find here? Well, you can find profiles of the characters, and some other fun stuff which is soon to come. There's also the Brad Turner "Behind the Music" profile which may be good for some laughs. (Or maybe not.) New to the website is information on the first season of the MASK Original Series, and on the "MASK Racing Series" of 10 episodes that aired in 1986. I also just added two more character profiles to the MASK Agents page. Finally, I'm starting on a MASK Vehicle reference that is far from done, but this is a start.

Before anyone asks, I do NOT have any MASK vehicles or cartoons available to trade. But if you check out EBay (www.ebay.com), you can find some.

My personal MASK collection started in 1985. I remember my best friend Adam had a vehicle called "Thunderhawk" that was a car that turned to an airplane. I thought it was pretty cool. Several months later, for my 8th birthday, Adam gave me my very first MASK vehicle -- Gator! Rhino and Switchblade followed that Christmas, and I managed to collect everything that followed (with the exceptions of the "urban legend" Shark, the Laser Command r/c vehicle, and some of the Split Seconds).

If there are any others of you who remember MASK and would like to talk about it, send me an e-mail and I'll get back to you soon. I'm also on ICQ under the number 9570103.

And we can only dream that someday a cartoon network of sorts will pick up "MASK" and add it to their daily schedules. Not that I *get* said cartoon network anymore, but it would be fun to dream.

-Craig Byrne (MASKAgent@aol.com)

Watch for MASK: THE MOVIE coming soon to this website! (No, it's not real... sorry!)

This site was created in 1996 by Craig Byrne. Please do not copy anything from this site without permission.

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