The original MASK animated series premiered in the United States in 1985 to coincide wth the release of the new toy line. The initial wave of episodes only featured the "core" MASK agents (Matt, Bruce, Alex, Gloria, etc.) with the additional members such as Julio Lopez coming around more towards the end of the first season's run. The first season lasted for 65 episodes.

In the original series, most episodes would feature VENOM in some plot to take over the world so Matt Trakker would have to call in his MASK team to stop them. These episodes almost always featured the whole "Computer, please give me the MASK agents best suited for this mission" routine.

The original episodes also featured the antics of Matt Trakker's young son, Scott, and his robot friend T-Bob.

The scenes and vehicles from the opening credits of MASK are all from the first season of episodes. Contrary to rumor, there was not an "origin story" episode produced.

One thing that made the first season of episodes fun was that there were two vehicles throughout the run that ended up being destroyed -- Hondo MacLean's Firecracker truck and Gloria Baker's Shark vehicle (the latter of which was never made into a toy). Gloria went on to co-pilot Thunderhawk with Matt or Gator with Dusty usually; and Hondo got the new vehicle "Night Stalker" (known as the toy "Hurricane") as well as a new "Blaster II" mask. Interesting to note is that even though a swarm of Roteks *ate* Thunder Hawk and several other vehicles, the vehicles returned as early as the very next episodes.

MASK Agents best suited for missions:
Matt Trakker: 65 episodes
Bruce Sato: 40 episodes
Alex Sector: 35 episodes
Gloria Baker: 30 episodes
Brad Turner: 22 episodes
Hondo MacLean: 19 episodes
Buddie Hawks: 17 episodes
Julio Lopez: 8 episodes
Calhoun Burns: 6 episodes
Jacques LaFleur: 5 episodes
Ace Riker: 2 episodes
Scott Trakker & T-Bob: 65 episodes

VENOM Agents Appearing:
Miles Mayhem: 65 episodes * Sly Rax: 61 episodes
Cliff Dagger: 53 episodes * Vanessa Warfield: 45 episodes
Nash Gorey: 7 episodes * Floyd Malloy: 6 episodes * Bruno Sheppard: 5 episodes

Read about the MASK Racing Series

MASK and its characters are copyright ©2005 Kenner Toys & DIC. This is a fan site and not authorized. Page copyright ©2005 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. MASK aired from 1985 to 1987.