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Here are the first five Krypton Club Newsletters as presented in May 1995. Some e-mail addresses have been deleted out and minor editing has been done; obviously the newsletters are no longer daily. But, hopefully you will still enjoy this walk through Memory (no relation to Lois) Lane!

L&C KRYPTON CLUB************DAY ONE*************MAY 22, 1995


Welcome to the very first edition of the L&C Krypton Club newsletter. Each day you'll notice a different L&C quote. That will be your indication that what's coming to you is a Krypton Club e-mail. Today's "Great Shades of Elvis," tomorrow's could be....who knows?

The Krypton Club is NOT meant to compete with any other online L&C clubs. The purpose is different. The purpose of the Krypton Club is interactivity. With the daily newsletter (sent through e-mail), you can not only read about L&C-related stuff, but there is a daily trivia question for you to respond to. And we are always welcoming anything and everything into the newsletter. We're interactive, we like your input!


While this episode had many positives, there were quite a few negatives as well. I'll start with the bad stuff. Two words-----NO REVELATION! Clark did not get to actually tell Lois he was Superman, that was very frustrating. The phone ringing thing was especially annoying. There were also plot holes in the episode(I won't go into detail). The cliffhanger was frustrating because now we have to wait until next season for the answer! Also, I felt that the way Supe got out of the chamber was very tacky. Why would there be a vent in a gas chamber when the purpose of the chamber is to keep gas in? Also, as Whyt Ravyn put it, gas sinks, it doesn't rise. I guess it was just a way to get rid of Kryptonite. Now for the positives. The romance in the episode was superb. Not only did Lois and Clark have romantic scenes, but so did his parents. The typical TV plot of "if something happens to me tell so and so I love him/her" was romantic also. Lois also finally told Supe that she loves CK. Lois did start to figure out that CK=Superman. The stroke across the face obviously shot some sense into her. (It's about time!) And of course the proposal and a kiss was a big plus! It looks like my wishes may come true next season with Lois getting a clue!

Romantic, yet Frustrating!

OVERALL RATING(1-10, 10 being best, and decimals allowed)

What did you think of the episode? Send your opinions our way!


Each day we will be asking a different L&C-related trivia question. Here's the question for today.....

First season L&C cast member Tracy Scoggins appeared on a very popular TV series in the 1980's. Emma Samms ("Madame Ex") was also on this show. What show was it?

Send your answers via e-mail. The answers to trivia questions will be posted in the next day's newsletter.

We gotta fly! Thanks!

Craig and 92

L&C KRYPTON CLUB************DAY TWO*************MAY 23, 1995

Dean Cain will be online Thursday, May 25th at 10pm(ET)/7pm(PT) in the ABC Auditorium/Cyberplex on AOL! Get a chance to talk to Superman himself!

Did anyone catch John Shea on the 1977 rerun of "Eight is Enough" that was aired on the fX cable channel yesterday? He looked a lot different from how he looked as Lex Luthor. Also, look out for Shea on the fX promos. He does one, and surprisingly, the way he acts in the promo is a lot like Lex Luthor would.

An interesting side-note is that fX is also the home of "Dynasty," which featured one of Tracy Scoggins' first big roles.

If you have any L&C sightings, write!

Today's "Quote of the Day" was requested by Chakespear on AOL. This is a great line because it will be the one that will remain with us all throughout the summer. Do you have a suggestion for "Quote of the Day?" Send them in.

Lois Lane, investigative reporter for the Daily Planet; smart, clever,
beautiful, alert. Yet she can't seem to figure out that her friend, lover,
and companion, Clark Kent, is Superman. During the first season of "Lois & Clark," Lois Lane was very bright, clever and funny. She was truly a reporter. When this second season started, many people noticed a change in Lois, she was no longer the same. Now she seemed to be clueless and "conflicted." While many people do not understand how Lois can not figure out the simple equation that CK=Superman(considering Teri started to persue a career in math), the show offers the explanation of "blinded by love." Of course, Lois's "blindness" has always been what has fascinated fans. The not knowing creates the ironic love triangle we have all grown to love. My personal gripe is that Clark looks almost exactly like Superman, except for the glasses, and his voice is the same as both of them. Lois has also failed to make the connection, until just recently, after being held in his arms, kissed, and looking at them both face to face. Clarks constant running out and Supe's entrances are something to ponder also. Sometimes you just feel like screaming, "Hello, Duh, Clark Kent is Superman!" Now in this last episode Lois finally seemed to get a clue. The clue that I have been waiting on for over a year. The stroke across her hair seemed to finally trigger some "investigative" thought. Maybe now Lois will be back on the right course. I didn't mind Lois not figuring it out for a while, but it has gone on long enough. Let's hope for a revelation at the start of next season. Let's also hope that after 2 years of waiting, there will be the "intelligent" decision to let Lois in on the secret. The longer it goes on, the more and more Lois looks less like an intelligent reporter, and more like a clueless flake.

Here's the question for today.....

What was the name of Lois's rival in "The Rival?"

The answer to yesterday's trivia question: Tracy Scoggins appeared on the series "Dynasty" and "The Colbys" in the 1980's. Congratulations to SETAUKET JOHN, SOUNDSQUAW, FOXFIRE404, and CHAKESPEAR, who got it right. JBECKY guessed "Dallas," which wasn't right, but a good try though.

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail.

We've gotta fly! Bye! Before we go... opinions on "And the Answer Is...." Sun Go Kou gave the episode a 9.0; and Chakespear gave it a 9.9.

Craig and 92

L&C KRYPTON CLUB**********DAY THREE************MAY 24, 1995

Teri Hatcher will be on the cover of the next issue (#277) of Entertainment Weekly for our TV Winners & Losers story. The issue will be on newsstands this weekend and up on AOL soon (keyword: EW). Special thanks go to Mike Rose from EW Online who gave us that information.

Dean Cain will be online Thursday, May 25th at 10pm(ET)/7pm(PT) in the ABC Auditorium/Cyberplex on AOL! Get a chance to talk to Superman himself! To interact with Dean, just click "Interact" on the chat room screen. Then type in your question, and send it to him! It's that easy! =^)

Rumor has it that "Murder, She Wrote" has been moved to Thursdays and "Cybill" will take the new Sunday at 8 slot on CBS. That would mean L&C is the only drama on Sunday nights, and dramas have been growing in popularity... maybe L&C will "kick butt" after all!

"L&C" made #20 in overall ratings last week. Here's how they fared against the other shows of primetime TV. Each rating point represents an estimated 954,000 households, or 1% of the nation's TV homes. The share is the percentage of households watching a program of those households in which TV is being watched during the timeslot. Shown are rank/season rank, (x denotes one-time showing, program and rating/share:

1/2 E.R (NBC) 23.4/37
2/7 Friends (NBC) 21.3/32
3/1 Seinfeld (NBC) 20.7/32
4/x (ABC Monday Night Movie) 20.4/31
5/x (NBC Monday Night Movies) 17.6/27
6/x (ABC Sunday Night Movie) 16.0/26
7/4 Grace Under Fire (ABC) 15.3/24
8/x Home Improvement Special (ABC) 15.2/23
9/11 Mad About You (NBC) 15.2/26
10/8 NYPD Blue (ABC) 14.9/24
11/3 Home Improvement (ABC) 14.2/22
12/14 Frasier (NBC) 13.5/21
12/x Friends Special (NBC) 13.5/20
14/43 Coach (ABC) 13.4/21
14/x (NBC Sunday Night Movie) 13.4/22
16/13 Ellen (ABC) 13.2/21
17/6 60 Minutes (CBS) 13.1/25
18/28 PrimeTime Live (ABC) 12.9/22
19/48 Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (CBS) 12.7/25
20/16 20/20 (ABC) 12.0/22
20/54 Lois & Clark 12.0/21
Source: Reuter/Variety

TODAY'S QUOTE was suggested by Soundsquaw. It would've been a lot better if we could've used the whole quote, but still, it works! =^)

Written by: "An Extra"
Edited by: Superman92
(Note: the writer of this story wished to remain anonymous)

We are supposed to be sitting there listening to the trial when
Superman "smells" the C-12 bomb. We all look around yet aren't supposed to notice the briefcase that is shaking and emitting blue smoke. I really don't know how I am supposed to justify not seeing this when it's sitting close to my feet. After several takes, Teri turns around and says "We should give (the extra) a white cane and glasses! I mean, how is she NOT supposed to see this?"

I always enjoy my time on the set. Sometimes I talk with Teri, other times I don't. It all depends on what is going on at the time. I am better friends with Dean than Teri, but she does know me well enough. A little fun fact, like Lois, she likes chocolate, but she doesn't eat it as much. She is usually watching what she eats, although she really doesn't need to.

JBecky: "I don't think Lois was really all that Galactically Stupid until about Top Copy. Think about it. This okay guy comes in from Smallville, KS and seems to be somewhat of a farm-boy, although he's travelled the world. He's ready to settle down and become a person with goals and a reporter for the world famous Daily Planet. You think he's kind of a geek, and than you meet this guy who's got to be from another planet, and he's your unattainable crush, like a movie star or a singer. (Like me and David Letterman.) You think of Clark as the best friend you've ever or will ever have, and Superman this elusive hero who belongs to all of the world, and not just... her. I don't think I would have made the connection, either. You can't really judge unless you've been in the situation, and I, personally, don't know anyone who has fallen for a guy with two *oppisite* selves, although, I have a friend who is kinda like that. (I realize this rambles, but, oh well, that's me!)" (This was in response to Dan Patterson's editorial Lois Lane: Flake or Reporter?)

Setauket John: "Perhaps you can ask the readership of the newsletter what they thought of the Chief and Jimmy's discussion regarding their limited part in recent episodes. I think it went something like this: 'It is like we are supporting players in a TV show about Lois and Clark'. Has anyone else noticed it, or has Perry and Jimmy been completely
written out of the show except for a few cameos? 'Great Shades of Elvis!'- Bring them back-Please!" (well, fans, what do you think?)

Here's the question for today.....

What was the name of the orphanage in "Season's Greedings?"

The answer to yesterday's trivia question: Linda King was Lois's rival in "The Rival." LISA FREEDMAN and JBECKY got this one right. SETAUKET JOHN guessed "Mayson Drake," and while Mayson was a rival of Lois's, she didn't appear until about 8 months after "The Rival" first aired.

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail.

We've gotta fly! Bye! Before we go... opinions on "And the Answer Is...." Lisa Freedman gave the episode a 9.5.

Craig and 92

L&C KRYPTON CLUB**********DAY FOUR*************MAY 25, 1995

Teri Hatcher will be on the cover of the next issue (#277) of Entertainment Weekly for the TV Winners & Losers story. The issue will be on newsstands this weekend and up on AOL soon (keyword: EW). Special thanks go to Mike Rose from EW Online who gave us that information.

(Note: This was in response to "And the Answer Is...")

Although I liked the episode overall, I do have a major gripe. I cannot believe they actually had Clark a) commit a felony and b) put Lois' life in danger. I can live with the diamond heist (as Clark could have rationalized that he would return the jewels after catching the bad guys), but risking Lois' life......NEVER. This act goes against everything that Superman/Clark stands for, against every fiber of his moral being!!!!!! In this one scene the writers threw away 50+ years of Superman lore. The most enthralling and interesting aspect of the Superman character is not that he has amazing powers, but rather, that even with these powers, he never places his needs above those of everyone else. Superman stands alone at the top of the DC universe not because he is the most powerful, but because he is the most MORAL. His neverending battle for Truth, Justice, and the American way sets the standard that everyone else can only try to uphold.
I realize that this scene was a major plot device, but I just cannot accept it. Clark would never puposely endanger another person, no matter what the personal cost!!!!!!! He would have found another way!!!!!
One other point......hasn't Clark ever heard of a Mask or Gloves????? He is lucky he never chose to pursue a life of crime!!!!
Just my .02.

By Superman92(with excerpts from on line fans)

As I've read through the email, the overall consensus on the season finale is frustration. The majority of letters I have read have many complaints. The first being that Clark did not tell Lois he is Superman. The second complaint seems to be the cliffhanger proposal. The third is the fact that Lois risked her life and that Superman put her in danger. There have also been some complaints about the fact that Clark robbed a jewelry store. While the season finale was good any many ways, most fans are not satisfied with it's outcome. A great suggestion came from Agcanas: "What would've been better was a two-hour finale like Melrose or 90210. I think they could've done a lot more with the show had they had more than their 60 minutes." A few words sum up the fans frustrations----no revelation and no answer! Most people feel that at least one of them should have been included in the finale.

Lisa Freedman: "I need to say something. HOW STUPID ARE THESE PEOPLE? The whole courtroom didn't see a jumping briefcase?"

JLerebours: "I agree that the supporting characters have lately been pushed to the side, I really enjoy Ma & Pa Kent and Jimmy and Perry I hope that they get more air time next season."

Avigeal4LC: "I give this episode a 9.0. The pluses were:
-The romance seemed to be finally steady, and it seemed like Lois finally got over Superman,
-The use of Tempus
-The proposal, etc.
-Nigel came back
-The Jimmy/Perry supporting characters
-Clark's parents

The minuses were:
-No revalation(Although I think that Lois might already know)
-No answer to the proposal
-Too much time focused on Mazik as a villian
-The way they escaped from the Kryptonite/gas
Other then these few things, thought overall, I thought the ep. was great."

Airfleet: "Lois is getting smarter and its paying off big time."

Do you think that Lois knows that Clark is Superman?

Send your responses in!!! The results will be posted ASAP.

By Doctor Dan

Even after research and input from many on line fans, there is yet to be a cure for this dreaded disease--LCWS. Symptoms include denial, frustration, constant references to Lois and Clark and more! While a cure has not been found yet, many treatments are recommended. If you feel you have become a victim, please take the following steps:

1. Watch tapes of Lois and Clark! This helps to ease the suffering
of waiting for next season.
2. Buy Lois and Clark trading cards!
3. Say your favorite Lois and Clark lines over and over.
4. Schedule a trip to Warner Brothers and watch Lois and Clark
being filmed!!! Taping starts in late July, early August.
5. Join a fan club! (you have already taken this important step.)
6. Stare at pictures of L & C until your eyeballs go numb!
7. Put on some tights and a blanket and run around your house
yelling, "I GOT YOU BABE!"
8. Read Lois and Clark fanfiction!
9. Dress up like Elvis and sing the Lois and Clark theme!
10. Beat your head on the desk very hard during Biology class hoping that you will knock yourself out, taking you away from the insect collections and allowing you to dream of L&C.(That's a personal wish.)

Any suggestions for treatments of LCWS? Send them in. Doctor Dan has been known to chat with Superman92. <G>

Here's the question for today.....

What was the name of the Love Boat Mermaid played by Teri Hatcher?

The answer to yesterday's trivia question: The name of the orphanage in "Season's Greedings" was Coates Orphanage. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence, or if the orphanage is named for Phyllis Coates who played Lois in the 1950's "Superman" TV series. SOUNDSQUAW and TOMMY TERENYI got it right. LISA FREEDMAN jokingly guessed that the orphanage was called "Space Rat Kids."

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail. Even if you don't know it, it's worth a try!

Well, that's all for today's newsletter! Hope we gave you your daily dose of Lois and Clark. Thanks again for all of your input. We'll try to print some of your mail and input in the newsletter, but remember, if we printed everything, we'd have a really long newsletter!

We gotta fly and remember, we put the "Super" in Superman!

Dan (Superman92) and Craig

L&C KRYPTON CLUB**********DAY FIVE*************MAY 26, 1995

(Note: attached to this newsletter is the transcript from Dean's interview in ABC last night. Just click on the download icon below. After it is done, go to the File menu and find the deanaol.txt file and open it.)

By Superman92

After Dean left the Auditorium, he went to backstage buzz. He then left backstage buzz and went to to other rooms. First, he went to one of the romance connection rooms. Then,(now don't jump to any conclusions) he went to the Gay and Lesbian room 17(That's what Jillian didn't tell). I tracked where he was using "locate a member on line." Then, he was not in a chat room for a while. I assume he was composing mail because some lucky fans such as Emmie received email from him. So now you know what Dean did on line last night!

Teri Hatcher will be on the cover of the next issue (#277) of Entertainment Weekly for the TV Winners & Losers story. The issue will be on newsstands this weekend and up on AOL soon (keyword: EW). Special thanks go to Mike Rose from EW Online who gave us that information.

By Clark XX(previously known as Shiva SS)

**DEAN CAIN (Clark/Superman)**
The Stone Boy (1984), Miracle Beach, Coming Soon: Mark Witness

**TERI HATCHER (Lois Lane)**
All tied up (1994), Brain Smasher-A love Story (1993),
The Cool Surface (1993), Dead in the Water (1992),
Soap Dish (1990), Straight Talk (1992), Tango and Cash (1989),
Coming Soon: Heaven's Prisoner's

**LANE SMITH (Perry White)**
Blind Vengeance (1990), The Displaced Person (1977),
Duplicates (1992), False Arrest (1992), The Mighty Ducks (1992),
Prime Suspect (1981),Prison (1987), Son in Law (1993),
The Distinguished Gentlemen (1993)

**TRACY SCOGGINS** (Cat Grant of first Season)**
Alien Intruder (1992), Beyond the Silhouette (1990), Dead On (1994), Demonic Toys (1991), Dollman Vs. Demonic Toys (1993),
The Great American Sec Scandal (1994), The Gumshoe Kid (no date), In Dangerous Company (1988), One Last Run (1989),
Play Murder for Me (1991), Raven Red Kiss Off (1990),
Time Bomb (1991), Tough Stuff (1988)----Its a workout video!
Ultimate Desires (1991), The Watchers 2 (1990),

**MICHEAL LANDES (Jimmy Olsen of 1st Season)**
An American Summer (1990)

**JUSTIN WHALIN (Jimmy Olsen of 2nd Season)**
Childs Play 3 (1991), Fire Next Time (1993), Perfect Harmony (1993), Serial Mom (1994)

**JOHN SHEA (Lex Luthor)**
Backstreet Justice (1994), The Case of Deadly Force (1986)
Dining Room (1984), Honeymoon (1986), Hussy (1980)
Impossible Spy (1987), Kennedy-The Presidential Years (1983)
LadyKiller (1992), Missing (1982),The Nativity (1978)
A New Life (1988), Small Sacrafices (1989), Stealing Home (1988)
Unsettled Land (1988), Wind City (1984)

**EDDIE JONES (Jonathan Kent)**
Apprentice to Murder (1987), A League of Their Own (1992)

*********If anyone has any additions to this list, please E-mail me!!!!!


Screen Name: Emmie
Member Name: Dawn Desimone
Location: Seattle Wa (although I wish it were Metropolis)
Birthdate: Sept. 3
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Single
Computers: Hopefully the same one Dean Cain uses
Hobbies: Singing, jazz and tap dancing, Lois and Clark,
rollerblading, biking, swimming, music.
Occupation: Student, Musician, CPR certified candy striper
Quote: "How about the part that says the man's dead. Can I keep that?" -LL"Witness"
Fav Eps of L & C: "Honeymoon in Metropolis, Pheromone My Lovely, Tempus Fugitive."

What are your favorite things about Lois and Clark?

"My favorite thing about Lois and clark is Lois and Clark! I love then
together. They're a great team and I like the dialogue."

Emmie's other favorite quotes from L & C:

"There's no such word as chumpy."
"Just put it in your mouth and suck on it?" (actual quote-does not refer to what you might think.)
"You are low man and I'm top banana and that's the way I like it. Comprende?" "Got it. You like on top."
"Did I really do the dance of the seven veils?" "Yep, all seven of them."

Maybe you'll be the next lucky fan in the spotlight!

Here is the trivia question for today...

In the episode "Whine, Whine, Whine," what color was the man's tie who planted the bomb in the courtroom?

Send your answers and trivia guesses via e-mail. Even if you don't know it, it's worth a try!

That's it for this newsletter! Hope you enjoyed it!

We Gotta Fly! And remember this, a wise man once said, "Some days you step in it, some days you don't!"

Craig and 92

Issues #6-10