There are certain things we seem to get in our e-mailbox a lot, so we're urging you to please read this page completely for some answers to frequently asked questions before writing anything in. The address to write is at the bottom of this page. Thanks.

Will there be a sixth season of Smallville?
No official announcement has been made, but we'd say it's a safe bet to say "yes."

When will Season Six begin?
Season Six begins on the new CW Network on September 28, 2006.

How many seasons will they be making of the show?
That's all up to the executives at the upcoming CW network. We have no way of knowing this answer, because we're fans like you are. The general assumption is that Smallville will go six or seven years total.

When is Season 5 coming to DVD?
Season Five of Smallville is currently due for a DVD release on September 12, 2006.

When will [insert episode title here] be re-aired?
Usually the WB airs repeats in December, March, and the summertime, when there are no new episodes. Keep an eye on the KryptonSite News Page for scheduling updates.

Why is the WB showing so many repeats of Smallville?
They're really not. Most series television only does 22 episodes a year, which they spread over 40 or so weeks between September and May. Repeats will be inevitable.

When will Clark fly or get super breath on Smallville?
Again, we don't know anything more than you do. If we do know anything, it'll be up on the KryptonSite Spoilers Page.

Why hasn't my authorization for the forums gone through?
Patience, please. Sometimes the process takes a few days.

Dear Tom and Kristin, I love you.
The KryptonSite e-mail address is NOT a place to write to Tom Welling or Kristin Kreuk. Sorry.

Can I have the e-mail addresses of [Tom, Kristin, the producers, etc.?]
No. In most cases we don't have them; but even so, the cast and crew of Smallville work such long days it is doubtful they'd want to get e-mails from any of us.

Do they do tours of the Smallville set?
The set of Smallville in Vancouver is a closed set, meaning they rarely if ever have visitors. I've written about the show for five years and never been up there!

IMDB says __________. Why haven't you posted that?
Submissions to the Internet Movie Database are submitted by fans and can often be wrong. We usually wait for confirmation from the network or some kind of official release from trade papers before posting.

Where can I get a jacket like Clark's?
Really, we have no clue. Sorry. Same goes for any outfit you see worn on Smallville.

I have the coolest idea for a Smallville. Can you get me in touch with the producers or tell me where to send it?
No. Episodes of Smallville are usually written by the show's staff. If you are a professional writer, talk to your agent. Also, please do not send us your own story ideas - we are not involved with the show's production so it's really pointless to even try.

These are just a few of the questions we get repeatedly, so please keep these in mind when you send an e-mail. Thanks. Here's the address to write:


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