Send all comments, scoops, etc. to! Talks To Smallville Executive Producer
(7/17) Smallville executive producer Alfred Gough was featured in an interview at this week.

Gough talked about the importance of the Lex Luthor character and how "Smallville" wasn't just about the development of Clark Kent as a hero; but it is about Lex Luthor and what led him to be what he would later become.

"It was interesting just even going into the casting, because people hear Lex Luthor and they would come in and give these very over-the-top sort of Dr. Evil readings of the character," Gough told Zap2it. "And I think we always wanted somebody who was a comedian, who was like a young Micheal Keaton, who had humor, and charisma and a sense of danger to him." To check out the interview, follow the highlighted Zap2it link above.

And while on the subject of Zap2it, it has been confirmed that the WB did indeed request for the "Smallville" preview videos to be taken down. Hopefully they will resurface elsewhere, maybe even on the WB's official site.

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