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Smallville Episode Reviews

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Originally Aired November 13, 2001
This Week's Reviewer: Craig Byrne

"Cool" Episode!
"Cool" Review by Craig Byrne
Krypton Rating: 9

I think it's really hard to describe this episode without falling into the trap of calling it "cool." But that it was. "Cool" had great moments between Clark and Lana, great special effects, and (finally!) a bad guy who didn't act ridiculous.

I was glad to see that Lana wasn't the "damsel in distress" this time around, it was great to see Chloe getting more time on the screen. I really loved her lines about blue being a good color for Clark, or that she's not a dating test drive, etc. Episodes like these (which incorporate the supporting characters) are always good to me.

Michael Coristine as Sean Kelvin was great. Most "villains of the week" can really camp it with their dialogue (for example, I thought Eric Christian Olsen in "Hourglass" was not good at all). Sean was just an ordinary "exciteable" teen, and he pulled it off well. I would not be at all surprised if we see more of Coristine in the future. (And come on, we'll see Sean again too, just watch!)

Lex seems to be up to something again. I'm not sure what his angle is with offering the Kents financial help, but you know there's something underlying there, which makes it great.

I also really liked the effect of when Sean would "thaw out" when given heat. I don't know how it was done, but whichever way they did it, it was great. The fx in this one were probably my favorite I've seen on the series so far.

By the way -- is it me or was Clark creeping Lana out a little? Maybe she should be glad the date didn't work out. It was great to see Clark already doing the "I've got to go; somebody needs me" schtick that we know will be recurring later on.

Anyway, "Cool" was a very enjoyable episode that I'd definitely put in my "Smallville top three." (OK, so there are only 6 to choose from!) Great writing, great effects, great use of the characters, and finally, a great villain. I give the episode a 9.

We will post some more reviews on this page soon. Thanks to everyone who has sent them in so far!

Superman For All Seasons
Smallville explores the story of a young Clark Kent and his place in the world on television. In the comics, this was very well illustrated in Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale's "Superman For All Seasons." This has been labeled a "must read" by many fans and also listed as the favorite Superman story of recent years by many. Check it out!

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