Best Cliffhanger
Clark and Lana embrace... but it's not Clark... it's Bizarro!

Now that was a great midseason cliffhanger.

At the conclusion of "Gemini," the villains were stopped, and Clark and Lana embrace... but wait! That's not Clark... it's Bizarro! Fans were shocked - well, the fans who didn't read spoilers from Canada were shocked, at least.

Meanwhile, the real Clark is frozen in the Arctic.

46% of those who voted picked that cliffhanger as their favorite. In second place was the Clark-Lex controntation at the end of "Arctic," which was only 84 votes behind! Together, these two cliffhangers comprised of 90% of the total vote, leaving the other two choices in the dust.

And with that, we conclude this year's KryptonSite Awards results! Thanks again to the many people who participated and voted this time around, and we'll be doing it all again next year! And if you are curious, here are some of the Awards from previous years:

2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007

And, you can find the full list of this year's KryptonSite Awards nominees here, and if you're a Heroes fan, the second annual HeroSite Awards is still going on at, so swing over there and vote already!

Don't forget that Smallville Season 7 comes to DVD in September! (Pre-order your copy today!)

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Smallville and its characters are copyright ©2008 Warner Bros. & DC Comics. This is a fan site and not authorized by the WB, the CW, or DC. The term "Kryptonite" is a trademark of DC Comics. Page copyright ©2008 KryptonSite, unless the material is noted as coming from someplace else or being by an individual author. Smallville stars Tom Welling, Justin Hartley, Aaron Ashmore, Erica Durance, Sam Witwer, Cassidy Freeman, and Allison Mack.

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