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What Are "Lois & Clark" Fans Watching Now?
From Planet Krypton #233 (October 29, 2000)

A recent issue of Planet Krypton asked readers what they're watching now, over three years after "Lois & Clark" left the airwaves. Out of all of the responses, here were the most popular:

#1 Friends
Even though it's a comedy series and not even in the same genre as "L&C," 31% of those who responded listed "Friends" as one of their current favorites. The show's been on for several years and still shows no signs of becoming lame. Plus, like Lois and Clark, it's got couples... now when will Joey and Phoebe finally hook up?

#2 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Buffy's probably one of the closest shows in spirit to "Lois & Clark," and playing in the same superheroic ballfield means creator Joss Whedon gets to have a lot of fun with it. From vampire Harmony and her <snicker> "minions" all the way to Buffy's new-coming-from-nowhere sister Dawn, there's just a lot of fun going on in the show. (By the way, Buffy viewers will know, and hurt me, if I didn't say that I was just kidding on the "out of nowhere" part, as Dawn's origin was revealed in last week's episode).

#3 Angel, Roswell, Dark Angel, West Wing (tie)
As you can see, *four* shows tied for third place for what L&C fans are watching today. "Angel" of course is a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" spinoff, and many episodes are written by former "L&C" writer Tim Minear, who is also a producer. Like Buffy, "Angel" also has a stable of fun characters like Cordelia, Wesley, and if that's not enough for you, there's even the Phantom Dennis. "Roswell," like "Lois & Clark," deals with strange visitors from another planet... sounds familiar doesn't it? "Dark Angel" (no relation to "Angel" or "Touched By An Angel") is a sci-fi "thriller" by James Cameron, and since I haven't seen it, there's not too much to say about it besides that it stars Jessica Alba. Finally, "The West Wing," now in its second season on NBC, has gotten a lot of notice since its many Emmy wins in September, and people are realizing how well-written the show is.

Several other shows made the list but didn't make the top three. Those shows included "Charmed," "That 70's Show," "Will & Grace," and two voters even picked "repeats of Scarecrow & Mrs. King on PAX"... which was interesting, since "L&C" executive producers Eugenie Ross-Leming and Brad Buckner were the creators of "Scarecrow."

Here are a few printed responses from some of the readers... please note that it's not all of them, but a selected few....

Nancy in Chicago "The West Wing -- I just love all the characters and how involved it is & how it can make you think. L&C -- especially some of the early eps made me think."

GLong: "I am watching Charmed. It is a lot like Lois and Clark. Brad Kern from Lois and Clark works on that show. It is really good (but not as good as Lois and Clark)."

Abi Short: "Lately I've been checking out "Dark Angel," which has some definite promise. The post-"electromagnetic pulse" (you watched "The Matrix," right?) 2019 America may be a little unbelievable for some, but so far the plotting has been good and the premise is acceptable. This show reminds me more than a little of "The Pretender," which was cancelled after four good seasons. (But I'm not bitter... no... And anyway, TNT is airing re-runs. Wait, does that sound like any other show...?) I won't know if I'll be devoted to "Dark Angel" until the end of the season, when I will either get angry or not care that they cancelled it. (Like with "Now and Again" last year. Grr! Fox is the only network left that hasn't angered me by cancelling a show, and I can see it coming from here....)"

Jennifer/Batgirl72: "My all time favorite show Buffy the Vampire Slayer is back and better than ever, and who could resist Angel. I wanted to know all summer what they were going to do with Darla. I have also started watching Roswell. I caught up on the first season in reruns this summer. I guess you could say I'm a WB girl, but most of the great shows are on that network. I'm not saying I only watch the WB but this Season has been rough because of the release of the bottom of the barrel TV shows deemed worthy of "hot, new show" status. The WB seems to be the only network buying good shows to air. I still watch Friends, Will and Grace, The West Wing, and ER but 8 times out of 10 my set is tuned to WB."

Elmindreda: "My favorite show now is "Roswell," airing Monday nights on the WB. I feel just as intensely for the characters on Roswell as I did for those on L&C, and this is the only show I've been addicted to since L&C went off the air. The love story between Max and Liz is just as special as that of Lois and Clark, and contains many of the same elements. At the core of the show is the fact that Max is an alien/human hybrid in love with a human girl, Liz. Although in season 2 TPTB are exploring more of the sci-fi aspects of the show, and less of the romance (sound familiar, anyone?), Max and Liz's relationship is still the heart of the show. If you haven't watched it yet, try it! Of course, things will make a lot more sense if you can find someone to lend or dupe copies of the first season for you! (I'd offer, but I don't have a second VCR to dupe tapes on, sorry.)"

ClarkXX: "I'm watching Buffy and Angel now. And while I am not pathetic like I was with L&C (having to buy every magazine with them, taping every talk show), I actually do think that Buffy is a much better written and acted show. I'd have to confess and say that in case of a fire, I'd grab my Buffy tapes before my L&C ones. I think it would apeal to L&C fans except that it's already in it's 5th season. Seasons 2 and 3 were fantastic, so it would be hard to start watching now when the best is already behind us. While I like Buffy more than Angel, you should definitely check that show out as well. Plus, Tim Minear is a writer for it so it does have an L&C connection."

Kim: "I am currently watching the Invisible Man on Friday nights on the SciFi channel. I think that it is a good new show with lots of great potential. Vince Vintresca (spelling?) -- formerly of Prey, Boston Common, and "fun Bobby" from friends -- stars as the kind-of reluctant invisible man. His brother got him out of jail if he volunteered for the government and now he is an agent for the "Department of Fish and Game" due to budgeting constraints. The show is funny and the science is fairly acceptable. I am a science teacher and groaned way too many times during Lois & Clark episodes... The I-man has a great partner and the writing for the two of them is a lot of fun. I highly recommend this show."